Hakim Zane
Originally debuting at Showdown in 2018 Zane saw a rebirth for his career over the fall of 2019 when mysterious videos started to pop up on AAW social media. It was Zane under a mask decrying the modern wrestling fan and their fickle attitudes. He claimed that he was “the most underrated wrestler in the game today” and told everyone watching to “Listen, learn and absorb my truth”. Zane, unhappy with the spotlight not being on himself, found a way to get everyone’s attention. With that, he catapulted himself into a top spot in AAW defeating Paco for the Heritage championship in only his second match back. Flanked by Karam and armed with this new & vicious attitude, Zane is an incredibly dangerous competitor. Zane would go on to defeat Paco in the rematch and also had a successful defense against Travis Titan before he started to set his sights on Mance Warner and the Heavyweight Championship. This loss of focus is likely the cause for him dropping the title to Myron Reed at Alive #6. Zane would later win a Call Your Shot Scramble at Destination Chicago and would cash in on his opportunity against then champion Ace Austin to become a two time Heritage Champion.